16th and K Street, Washington DC. K Street is the traditional home of Washington Lobbyists.
Like most of downtown Washington, DC, K Street, where many lobbying firms have offices, looks relatively quiet because of the pandemic. But appearances can be deceiving. In fact, lobbying is alive and well—and thriving—in the nation’s capital.
Case in point: According to the Wall Street Journal, Facebook and Amazon topped all other U.S. companies in federal lobbying expenditures last year, noting it “. was the second straight year they outspent all other companies, including stalwarts such as AT&T Inc. and Boeing Co.”
“Companies and organizations should, and will, lobby the Biden administration and Congress,” predicted Peter Loge, an associate professor at George Washington University’s School of Media and Public Affairs.
As the new Congress and administration settle in, corporate advocates have been ramping up to educate and convince lawmakers, regulators, and other government officials to help ensure that they see things their way. (Full disclosure: earlier in my checkered career, I was a lobbyist myself.)
The adage that, “If you are not at the table, you will be on the menu,” certainly applies to the world of lobbying. It is as important for companies and organizations to protect their legislative and regulatory victories as it is to seek new benefits and advantages from Congress, federal agencies, and 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
Paul Geller of Dialect Strategies said, “companies should absolutely maintain their lobbying activities during the Biden administration. The reason is simple. Many elected members of Congress appreciate the perspective of their constituents and do not have an intricate understanding of any issue. They are generalists and oftentimes rely on lobbyists for educating on the issues.
“This is doubly true for technology issues. Having worked on behalf of both business interests and the public interest I can say that they take both seriously. The Biden administration will be no different,” he observed.
Katarina Matic, director of public affairs at Montieth & Company, said, “When consecutive elections are as politically polarized as the 2016 and 2020 elections, companies are forced to shift gears quickly. The question then becomes not whether, but how.
“The Biden administration has big goals and we are already seeing in week one that its most urgent priorities are in direct response to the policies that have been implemented over the past four years. Companies that are able to insert themselves into those conversations have already geared up,” she observed.
The strategies and tactics companies and organizations employ in their lobbying and advocacy efforts can help determine the success or failure of their efforts.
“The best advocates help policymakers achieve their goals,” Loge counseled. “These advocates don’t ask for favors, rather they help policymakers succeed. For example, the Biden administration is putting climate change front and center, so smart advocates will find ways to make their companies and organizations priorities about addressing climate change.
“The smartest, most effective advocates serve as extensions of legislative offices, providing expert input, building public support, and otherwise finding ways to advance issues important to both the lobbyist and the policymaker,” he said.
“Successful advocacy is about finding common ground and making progress on an issue, not about winning,” Matic said.
“Those whose objectives do not fit into the administration’s ‘urgent and important’ category should begin to devise their strategy, and now. When the stakes are high, companies usually don’t stop advocating because an administration may be averse to their position on an issue,” she observed.
Geller noted, “The executive branch may house more issue-level expertise but they are often just as appreciative of your perspective. In developing those. relationships with the holders of staff positions you are participating in a two-way pipeline between the idea-driven business community and the legislative/adminstrative process that helps to create a business-friendly environment.”
Loge said,“The best advocates help policymakers determine what the most important issues are and how those issues are best understood. They help set the agenda and frame the conversation.
He observed that,” There is no shortage of issues to which legislators and agencies could pay attention. Advocates who get their ideas on the agenda in ways policymakers find compelling are far more likely to succeed than advocates whose issues are ignored, or that are defined in ways that are politically difficult to pass.”
Richard Stafford, a professor at Carnegie Mellon University's Heinz College, said,”“It's up to government officials to dissect the arguments and resolve policy. Lobbying is key to making sure government has all of the information needed and responds effectively. Organizations have an obligation to lobby.
“The real concern in policymaking is not lobbying to influence policy— it’s money buying influence. I suspect recent experiences may cause organizations to think twice about the money,” he noted.
Indeed, as I wrote in an earlier post, in aftermath of the recent vote to certify the results of the 2020 presidential election, several major corporations decided to suspend or stop making campaign contributions to members of Congress.
Ethics are as important in lobbying as they are anywhere else. How companies advocate for their best interests can put their lobbying efforts in an unfavorable light.
Dr. Brian Ballou, is a professor of accountancy and co-founder of the William Isaac & Michael Oxley Center for Business Leadership at Miami University. He saiid,” The key ethical consideration is to be transparent about limitations regarding data and other research being used to support positions be offered and why such positions matter.”
He noted that effective and ethical lobbying and advocacy take places “. when government relations experts meet with members of Congress and their staffs to educate them on key unintended consequences that likely will occur if proposed legislation is enacted.” Lobbyists can alert them to the “. intended consequences that likely will occur should legislation be proposed based on the issues” they are advocating.
Geller advised that “it is not necessary that you retain expensive lobbyists to interact with DC. Officials are just as excited to meet with constituents as they are [with] monied trade groups or well-connected lobbyists. One meeting is worth 1000 votes.
“Trade groups are a great way to have your voice heard,” he advised. Joining and getting involved with trade organizations that represent your industry or profession, “. will allow you to amplify and organize around your issues.”
This, in turn, can bring more firepower to an issue and enable you to use the trade group’s lobbyists to work on issues that affect you without having to pay anything more than your membership dues,” Geller observed.
As important as it can be to lobby lawmakers and others in the nation’s capital, launching a corporate advocacy program may not be the right thing to do for every business.
“The decision whether or not to pursue a lobbying agenda depends on a company's vision for where they want to go in the next four years,” according to Jonathan McCollum, federal government relations chair at Davidoff Hutcher & Citron.
“Certainly, if they are interested in getting government contracts, or if they feel they are in a position where President Biden’s agenda will affect their bottom line, it makes sense to secure representation.
But, “The only reason not to retain a government affairs service right now is if you don’t have the time and energy required to follow through. Nothing moves very fast in Washington D.C., so if you are looking for a quick fix, lobbying would not be the right path for you. If you are willing to put in the time and energy to maintain a D.C. presence, and you’re prepared to be in it for the long haul, a lot is possible right now.”